Studies show that balance training, gait training, strengthening and flexibility not only improve mobility, but also reduce the risk of falling. We utilize the Pneumatic balance system and Gait Training Treadmill to address balance and gait dysfunction. This allows you to remain independent in your home and community.
Balance Program
We assess your risk of falling and help you in these three areas:
1. Lower Body Strength
Strength is a critical factor for rapid response to balance disturbance. Specific testing will identify weakness and exercises to improve your lower body strength if needed.
2. Balance
Normal balance is controlled by a complex combination of visual, muscular, and neurological systems. Together, these keep us from falling when we encounter an unexpected disturbance. Specific testing and prescribed exercises will improve your ability to remain upright under challenging conditions.
3. Aerobic Endurance
As we age, we typically display a slower walking speed. Steps are also shorter and vary in length. These are factors related to falls. Independence is directly related to walking speed. The Pneumatic Gait treadmill and specific functional exercises help you learn to walk safely and more confidently.
Gait Training
We can train you to walk again. Our process may be used to help someone after an injury or to assist a person with disabilities who has not learned to walk safely and comfortably. The Pneumatic Unweighting Sytem is used for patients who have weight-bearing restrictions from an orthopedic injury, a neurological incident, or are at a high risk for falls.